As I look at the eulogy that was made by Rev. Al Sharpton for 7 year old Aiyana Jones, I can't help but to think of a young life that has been taken. I also think of the 17 year old Jerean Blake that was taken that lead to Aiyana's death, two young people whose lives were taken to soon. Two mother's who are in mourning, 2 graves that should not be, not at the young age and for violent crimes that are committed against us and by us.
Was it necessary for this death to have to be?
Two mother's who are in mourning, 2 graves that should not be, not at the young age and for violent crimes that are committed against us and by us.
In filming a reality show, Aiyana's life was taken, yes, it is so much easier to place the blame on the show and the police officer's, it is also time to look at what is going on in the family, parents and the communities, cities, states the whole USA. What is happening to our black youth? Why are so many dying so young? And when do we as parents, grandparents and other family members play in that role?
Sadly so many terrible things led to the death of both of these young people, police officer's being shot at and killed a week prior this horrific lost of lives. A city that has a high unemployment rate and foreclosures. When we look at ourselves again, we have to look at who do we have in our homes, who do we associate with, and what are we doing with our own lives that is impacting our children? Is there lessons that we all can learn from these two young people's lost of life and with the lessons that we can learn, are we willing to make the changes so that we do not continue to see lost of lives of young people all of the USA? Are we willing to keep people out of our homes that are involved in unlawful activity that will have police busting into our homes? Are we willing to check out what are children are doing and who they are associating with? Are we willing to be parents and not friends to our children?
After we see the news, read the papers hear talk of the lost young lives, we feel sad, we shake our heads and go on. Keep in mind that these children are some one's children, that it could of been our children and we have to do better for our children, because no one else is going to come along and save our kids for us, we have to do it each and everyone one of us has to take responsibility for what we allow in our homes, in our children's lives. Are you willing to stand up for your children or do you want to continue to mourn for the lost of lives of the young people with memorial stands of stuffed animals and flowers? It starts with each one of us to make the changes that we want to see happen.