Michele Bachmann, who is a GOP Presidential hopeful candidate in association with the Marriage vow pledge, in which has a clause that statement, that black people were better off during slavery. Now that it has been taken out of the clause, does it change the air of misconception that it has brought to light of where certain groups of people stand on black people and slavery?
To make a statement or clause that Black People were better off during slavery because they were in a two family home raising children, despite the realization that the parents that were slaves really did not have a say in the care of their children in the values and supportive care that was given to them.
To say that a race of people were better off as slaves, because of child rearing is to fail to see what slavery really was.
Slavery, was the worst thing that could of happened to black people, and I for one am tired of hearing people say get over it. It never became an issue to me until Obama was running and then I had become exposed to racism, and no, not from my own but from people that were suppose to be conservatives and have biblical values and morals, that are hypocrites.
Despite the selling off of families, take a look at what happened before that day came. Mothers instead of breast feeding their own children had to take care of the anglo-saxon slave masters children and so their women who did not breast feed their own that new mother had to do so, even it meant during the time when her own baby was hungry.
If by any chance the mother worked in the master's house, she was busy preparing meals for that family and the best of what there was and her family had to wait for her to come the slave quarters, to cook for them after she had served the master's family and cleaned up, to go home and to fix the parts of a pig that of course they did not want and of any other animal. Which I can only assume is why my mother never cooked any of that stuff and I had never eaten it.
Now for some of these mother's a two- parent family home was impossible when that mother was raped by the master or the master's children or over-seer and maybe all of them or even their guests, these fine Anglo gentlemen that came to call. Where is the 2 parent family then, is the father in the home No. he's in the house with his wife and his children by this slave woman becomes property also.
Now if this master decides that he wants one of their/his slave to be in the big house to serve them does it matter that this child is in a 2 parent home No, and off goes male or female. And both can be raped and murdered.
When it came to correcting the children did the two- parent family decide how this was to be done again, the slave master, who would beat their child with a whip and the two- parent family had to watch.
If the master or any member of his household were sick, the slave mother could not stay home to take care of her own family even if she was sick or her mate, (since slaves were not allowed to marry) or children.
If this slave mother was a seamstress she made clothes for the master's mistress and her daughters and what could she make for herself and her own daughter's nothing, but she could gladly wait for them to become hand me downs and gather them up then.
And yes the black man was a working man, of course he was, he was beaten to death if he was not, and as hard as he worked, he was called lazy and good for nothing Nigger, while the slave master and his overseer worked so hard watching them work from sun up to sun down, now who is the lazy one. When the slave master's family did not lift a finger except for the whip, hold it they would use a slave to do that also. alas Obama, to whip the slave in to shape. to cook their food, and grow it, pick it , care for the animals, and slaughter them clean them and cook and prepare it for them and serve it, I would not be surprise if some of them even had the slave lift the fork for them and put the food in their mouth. Of course they even need someone to fix their baths for them and bath them and to lay out their clothes and help dress them, do you think that these men could even lift their feet to put into the pant leg or did the slave do that also, and the same goes for the rest of the articles of clothing that they wore and the same for rest of the household.
All this and see how great the 2 called so called black family was in slavery, the father was really there to rule and guide his family as was the mother, and through all of this they were called lazy niggers. What a thank you, from these fine christian folks, who was doing so much for the poor blackies in Africa that was not civilized and under a demoracy . So in looking back at, who was the ones that were giving welfare in my eyes the slave masters, their homes were built for them, food cooked for them and their children cared for them. And they felt that they were entitled to it. well so much for entitlements.
Has it changed today. No, you work for a paycheck, the slave master is still there to take what you got because you work for him and you know if you don't agree with what is said by these men then you are called a nigger or now the new thing if you are black and don't agree with someone then you are the racist.
How dare you think outside the box and not be in agreement with us and follow and listen to us as you have always done. It is something it was alright until white people felt threaten for them to be racist and now everyone acts like except of course for the few tokens that think just like the ones in the box, that all blacks or now out to get them and black people are not sitting around worrying about white people we still have our lives to struggle and put food on our tables no matter if it is a 2 or single parent household.
And to add salt to the wound we are a people who was not taught our own history, just that we were slaves and violent people, who are just looking for handouts.
African American Perspectives http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/aap/aaphome.html
Freedmen's Bureau Online http://freedmensbureau.com
Harper's Weekly http://blackhistory.harpweek.com
Neglected Voices (Biographies and Speeches of the first African American Congressmen) http://www1.law.nyu.edu/davisp/neglectedvoices/index2.html
As usual Antoinette, you have pointed out the obvious in a world that prefers myths over truth, thank you for raising your voice on another shameful attack on our psych in the name of poli-trics.
Personally I see this as "Willy Horton" dirty politics and an attempt to obfuscate the reality of life in Amerikkka for those descendents of enslaved African people, and to stir up the "white mans burden" crowd. Now in the era of O-bomb-er, we are to be intimidated into never speaking of the reality of dis-enfranchisment, eugenics, being used as cannon fodder for foreign wars, mis-educated, warehoused in prisons for profits, etc again. Yes, Obama is apparently the end of racial Amerikkka.
I don't think so!
American Autogenocide: America's Darkest Secret
You have done it again my dear. Good looking out as usual . . .
Slavery cannot be forgotten, because if we fail to remember our past will be ultimately repeat it at some point. Race is not a difficult subject because it is something that has always divided this nation, and just another reason to not unite it. While slavery was a deplorable time in this nations history, we can be sure if the populace stays entrenched in the white v. black debate that nothing in this nation will ever get any better. If we cannot look at each other as people by this point, I have no hope for this nation.
I personally know individuals who did not like then candidate Obama because he was a black man, but that is not near the majority of America and to think so is to believe we are one step away from re-enslavement. There will always be people on the fringe with these views, but the fact of the matter is that it is not the majority of the people in this nation. I know my history, both American and European (because my ancestors did not come to America until the early 1900's) and I can say things have changed. The mindset of the populace, although not perfect, is not the same as in 1862 or even 1962.
My point is that we can look at the past so we do not repeat it, but forgetting about the rest of the past that made this nation is not wise either. Much more than slavery has built this nation into what it is and what it can and cannot be, and forgetting the rest only furthers the assumption that the American people have the IQ and also the attention span of a peanut. I tend to believe, and even hope to an extent, that is not the case but as I look at American today I see people who do not know their history. In the end, that, and not race, will be the downfall of this nation. Race will be an afterthought.
I truly believe you hit this subject right on the money. I believe more people should read this. Thank you for the awakening...God Bless You
Good and another post from you admin :)
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